Economic and trade cooperation forum of the city of Jiaxing in Düsseldorf

The government of the city of Jiaxing, in the Chinese province of Zhejiang, invited representatives of the German business community to an economic and trade cooperation forum at the Sky Office in Düsseldorf on June 21, 2023.

After an introduction of the city of Jiaxing by Mr. Xielang Shuai, Deputy Manager of the People's Government of Jiaxing City, a speech by the architect and honorary president of the association "Bund Hochbegabung e.V.", Professor Hans-Ulrich Greiner, who reiterated the importance of the cooperation between China and Germany, Mr. Bin Yao, Director of the Jiashan Economic and Technological Development Zone Committee, introduced the Eco-Tech Development Zone in Jiashan.

After that, the two German companies Greatech GmbH, based in Mülheim an der Ruhr, and Lotus Pecas, based in Oberhausen, introduced their companies and products.

The following coffee break was used by all participants for an exchange and networking.

The evening ended, at the invitation of the delegation, in a restaurant, where further business and personal contacts were made.

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